The Way To See Tweets – VisibleTweets!

July 21, 2009
July 21, 2009
by Sean
in Blog

Over the last week, I have really gotten back into the whole tweeting thing πŸ˜€ There were always tweets coming onto my twitter profile however they were just links that would direct people to my latest blog post!

I used to always use twitter when I was in college, however now that I am on my summer holidays, it has been getting neglected a bit πŸ™ . So now I have kind of become addicted to sending out tweet updates.

visible tweets search box

I have also started to follow more people now on twitter, to widen the information that I am receiving, I am trying my best to find more people from Ireland on twitter so I can follow them, and it is always useful to stay up to date with local info too!

Anyway that is kind of going off topic, one night when I received a link on one of the updates from twitter to a great websites that displays tweets in a kind of unique way.

The site is called VisibleTweets, you just type in a word you want to know about, or you can @ someone to just see their updates, so if you @leateds you will just see my updates! It displays in a really colourful way, the background changes every so often and the text kind of falls into place.

letters fly in to replace others

The transition from one tweet to another is done in a clever way, some of the letters that are in the current tweet that are in the next tweet stay while the other letters fade out, then the letters that stay behind are re-ordered and extra letters are added to make a new tweets message.

It really is an interesting way to see twitter updates.Β  There are many different methods to searching, any of the search operators that can be used on twitter can also be used on VisibleTweets.

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