completing assignments

November 22, 2010
November 22, 2010
by Sean
in Blog

Over the past few weeks I have had a fair few assignments due and I have been barely able to meet the deadlines. Every night before the deadline I would be up late trying to get the assignment complete for the next day.

Luckily each time I manage too. Most of the time assignments are just complete ‘waffle’ , all you have to do is read up on a topic and put your own spin on it and throw in your views and there you have your assignment.

SAN FRANCISCO - OCTOBER 13:  Dell Chairman and...

Image by Getty Images via @daylife

Although sometimes reading up on things takes a long time, for example tonight I was doing an assignment and the material we were told to read was basically unreadable, it was all clumped together and not paragraphed. So the first thing I did was to separate it out into readable chunks, just after I did this a classmate of mine sent me his one, go figure, a bit late but they were basically the same!

I also hate reading long amounts of text on screen, a few hundred words is fine, such as blog posts and news articles, but when it comes to the likes of whitepapers and essay sized notes, I need to have a physical copy of them, so today’s assignment on Dell I simply printed out, it came to a total of 20 pages and took a fair bit of time to ready fully and digest it. Once I had that done it was plain sailing from there, writing the actual report went really well and I am confident I have done enough to get a decent mark.

And for once I have completed an assignment before its due! It is not due until Wednesday and I have completed it already! Maybe I could complete the rest of the assignments I have due for next week this week and it could relieve a load of pressure for me.

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