no Vodafone 3g internet!

November 25, 2010
November 25, 2010
by Sean
in Blog

I recently switched over to the Vodafone network from o2 and up until now I have been happy with everything, that was because everything worked!

But today the internet broke! Shock, everything was falling apart without internet šŸ˜® . Okay itĀ wasn’tĀ that bad, however it isĀ unusualĀ that the internet would go down for that long. Usually I would check my email and the likes of that and whenever I am in class whenever I become bored (which is a lot of the time!) I would look up some news.

Vodafone Logo

Image via Wikipedia

Anyway today is a short day for me, even more so that I was a bit late for college! But not having the internet on my phone was a bit of a pain! I went into town to see if it was just my phone that might of had a problem but it turns out there is a huge outage in the area.

Strange though that I had full 3g coverage which is required for the internet and yet it still didn’t work. Hopefully it begins working again tomorrow, can’t letĀ smemon beat me inĀ FoursquarešŸ˜‰

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